Everything you need, from legal information to debt settlement.
Name *
Email *
Mobile *
City * —Please choose an option—PuneMumbaiBangaloreDelhi NCRChennaiHyderabadOther
Marital Status * —Please choose an option—SingleMarriedWidowed
Employment Status * —Please choose an option—Not employedEmployed with GovernmentEmployed with private companySelf employed/ Small businessBusiness with more than 10 employees
Monthly Income * —Please choose an option—Currently no incomeLess than Rs.15,000 per monthRs.15,000 - 20,000 per monthRs.20,000 - 40,000 per monthRs.40,000 - 60,000 per monthRs.60,000 - 80,000 per monthRs.80,000 - 100,000 per monthMore than Rs.100,000 per month
Total credit card dues * —Please choose an option—No credit card duesLess than Rs.1 lacsRs.1-2 lacsRs.2-3 lacsRs.3-4 lacsRs.4-5 lacsRs.5-10 lacsRs.10-15 lacsRs.15-20 lacsMore than Rs.20 lacsProvide total outstanding dues for all credit cards for which you want resolved
Are you sure the total credit card outstanding dues is correct? * —Please choose an option—Yes, my credit card dues are less than Rs.2 lacsNo, my credit card dues are more than Rs.2 lacs
Total personal loan amount * —Please choose an option—No personal loanLess than Rs.1 lacsRs.1-2 lacsRs.2-3 lacsRs.3-4 lacsRs.4-5 lacsRs.5-10 lacsRs.10-15 lacsRs.15-20 lacsMore than Rs.20 lacsProvide total outstanding for all personal loans for which you want resolved. Do NOT include secured loans like home loan, auto loan, gold loan etc.
Payment Status * —Please choose an option—Paying full amount but with difficultyPaying Minimum Amount for few monthsPaying Minimum Amount for many monthsNot paying Minimum & getting collection calls
Are you facing any harassment? * —Please choose an option—Not facing any harassmentFacing some harassment (getting many recovery calls)Facing severe harassment (getting threatening calls, recovery agents visiting home/ office)Some harassment - getting many recovery calls; Severe harassment - getting threatening calls, recovery agents visiting home/ office or calling friends/ relatives
You can start resolution process with Rs.3299 and arrange additional funds towards first installment later. Is that manageable for you? * —Please choose an option—Yes I can arrange Rs.3299 in next 1-2 daysYes I can arrange Rs.3299 in next 2-3 daysNo I cannot arrange Rs.3299 to start the process
Are you comfortable with English or would prefer another language for phone call or WhatsApp messaging? * —Please choose an option—EnglishHindiMarathiKannadaTamilTelguMalyalamBengaliGujratiOther
Explain Your Problem/Queries: *